Category Archives: Spiritual

Armor of God

THE MARCH FOR LIFE RALLY was Friday, January 27, 2017 in Washington, DC

was Friday, January 27, 2017
in Washington, DC
Vice President Mike Pence came with a clear message, “Life is winning again in America.”
Watch this short video excerpt ( to know the TRUTH, and help COUNTERACT the lies the media publicly shares.
And full video coverage:
This 44 year MARCH FOR LIFE movement is specifically about STOPPING the ABORTION of innocent babies, whether due to rape, incest, or an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy.
LIFE is about giving women the CHOICE to receive ALTERNATIVE information AND help; about overcoming the trauma pregnancy can bring, without encouraging the consequences of GUILT & REMORSE, which could result from the killing of a life through an abortion.
LIFE educates women that LIFE begins at conception; that her pregnancy is a viable LIFE-form (not “just tissue”), with a heartbeat at around 5 weeks. (
LIFE encourages women to seek help through PRO-LIFE CLINICS, which help them carry their baby to full term; with options to give the baby up for adoption; to those that have the means or desire to care for the child, OR helping them succeed as a single mom: completing school and higher education, finding gainful employment and daycare, but most of all, VALUING THE LIFE that was created as a part of her DNA, and allowing herself and the child to grow, and mature; to make a positive imprint on the world around them.
LIFE is about STOPPING Tax-payer funding of abortions through misinformation, coercion, and greed through the practices of The Planned Parenthood Clinics, and others.
“Quitting Takes Courage!” is a poster slogan seen on the platform of the video link, by abortion workers who QUIT assisting in the deplorable practice of killing innocent babies.
In JESUS’ name, Amen!
By Kathleen Wichterman
Former Client Services Advocate,
and Crisis Pregnancy Counselor,

He’s got you!

I struggled this past week with MORE FEARS of what “might” happen, tired and exhausted in this seven year season of house remodels, angry (fear-full) that I can’t control my environment and keep everything nice and in order,  and then God uses a devotional passage from Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, to drive home the point of PEACE in His constant presence.

God has been shaking everything that can be shaken in the foundation of my life that doesn’t match up with His character, and confidence and TRUST in Him, rather than relying in myself and my own understanding. 

The picture above is the last illustration in my book, Darkness & Light – The Little Girl in Pink (A Journey from Fear to Faith), and depicts Psalm 73:23 (& found elsewhere in the Bible).

God gave me the vision of this picture in 2002, before I had the revelation of His constant nearness in my life.  And in the past few months, The Father has been reminding me over and over of His control when I trust Him, using this illustration from years ago!

Thank you, Jesus, for guiding my steps by Your Holy Spirit, even when I struggle to believe.  You hold my hand and lead me through the darkness of this life, bringing me into the fullness of your Truth and Light!  I am forever greatful.


To purchase the book, Darkness & Light – The Little Girl in Pink (A Journey from Fear to Faith) go here.

Quotes & Questions about HAMMOCKS & TREES:

THIS MORNING I SAW THIS QUOTE: “Without trees… Hammocks would just be blankets on the ground.” – (Great thought!)

BUT I SAY, “Without People… Hammocks would just be empty nets between trees.” – Kathleen Wichterman, (The People-Tree Ministry)

QUESTION: If you were a tree, WHAT kind would you be, and WHY?

Is “your tree” healthy, and showing evidence of growth and the ability to reproduce? Or, are your leaves withered, dry, and full of mites and disease? Your roots shallow, thin, and weak? WHAT IS CAUSING THESE PROBLEMS?


AN ALTERNATE LIFE is one where your leaves are lush and shiny, your fruit is abundant and inviting, your seeds are heirloom quality, and your roots are firmly, and deeply, established in a relationship and foundation with Jesus and The Father of Light?

Renew your mind in The Author and perfecter of your faith! Read the record of His life, death, AND resurrection in The Bible, and be encouraged that, “…He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion…”  (Phillipians 1:6)

If you don’t know Jesus, or know of Him, but haven’t SURRENDERED your will to Him  and want to know how, private message me on Facebook, or email me at (SUBJ: #KnowJesus).

JESUS DIED as the pure and spotless sacrificial lamb, that sanctified your sins, and made a way for you to have ETERNAL SPIRITUAL LIFE.  Then HE was RESURRECTED, and now lives to direct your steps (Proverbs 16:9), by Holy Spirit, healing and empowering you IN FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM to live a life worthy of His calling, as you lay down the selfish parts of your life, and choose to do His will to help others.

CHOOSE LIFE, or DEATH! (Deut. 30:15-20)

Sincerely for Souls,

Kathleen Wichterman
Trees of Righteousness Ministries
An Isaiah 61 Outreach


Trees & Me


Fall Colors Tacoma, WA 2013


Hi, Bob:

I really liked your Devotional reference:

“Though the tomato plants around us may be popping out some fruit, while we seem to wonder what is taking so long, our day will come.

God is doing a work and creating something in us that will be around long after the grass has come and gone.”

In 2007 my husband, Jim, and I were licensed and ordained as pastors. God gave us Isaiah 61:3 for our ministry name, but Psalm 1 is really important to us too. They’re both about how to be the BEST TREES WE CAN BE, and our website is ironically called

I LOVE LEARNING ABOUT TREES, and how God compares us to them in scripture. It’s interesting how I connected with you through Compassion International, and how I was encouraged this morning at 5 a.m. by your Devotional quote above.

It seems like my husband and I are FINALLY coming into a season of fruit bearing that we’ve never experienced before. And in this Jubilee year of 2016, it’s a RELIEF to see that The Lord is “RESTORING what the devouring locusts have eaten.” Patience in perseverance pays off in producing sturdy storm withstanding trees!

Blessings in your FRUITFUL TREE endeavors for the glory of our King!

Sincerely for Souls,

Kathleen & Jim Wichterman
Spiritual Arborists
Trees of Righteousness Ministries
An Isaiah 61 Outreach



On Friday, May 6, 2016, Bob | SeedTime <> wrote:
This is an excerpt from Managing Money God’s Way that I’d like to share with you today. I hope it helps as much as it has helped me!

Why God’s Way Takes Longer

I was staring at a tree the other day just day-dreaming and kind of worrying about how long it was taking to get answers to prayer for a few issues in my life. I was reminded of…

“How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night.

He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.”   Psalm 1:1-3

In my case I have been diligently trying not to “walk in the counsel of the wicked,” and it seems to be making my answers to prayer take even longer.

I have been earnestly trying to do things the right way, knowing full well that by cutting a few corners or compromising my values I could make the answers appear faster.

The major difference being that I can get mediocre answers doing it my way or the fruit God promises by doing it His way.

The prerequisite for our fruit bearing from Psalm 1 is that we:
– Do things God’s way
– Stay in the Word
If we do these two things, we have the promise that whatever we do will prosper and that we WILL bear fruit IN OUR SEASON.

Trees Grow Slowly

As I was staring at this tree I began to realize that trees grow slowly. You plant a seed for a tree and it takes a while to sprout and takes a while to grow to a decent size.

Grass and even plants, on the other hand, grow a lot faster. They sprout up quickly and sometimes you can even notice growth one day to the next.

Grass Grows Fast

Then it kind of hit me that God wants to make me “like a tree.” He isn’t interested in seeing rapid growth that will not make it to the next season and is ultimately unsustainable.

A tree, though it grows slowly, becomes a lot more sturdy and is able to withstand challenges that grass and plants can’t.

I am reminded of a storm we had last year that snapped my tomato plant right in half. The plant had grown to about 2.5 feet in a matter of months and was not strong enough to survive when the winds came.

God wants to make us strong and sturdy to withstand the storms in our lives.

Psalm 92:7

“That when the wicked sprouted up like grass and all who did iniquity flourished, it was only that they might be destroyed forevermore.”

Psalm 92:12

“The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, he will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”

Trees Yield More Fruit

I am excited about the tomatoes that my plants will produce this summer, but even the best tomato plant would be lucky to produce 40 lbs of tomatoes in a season.

But mature apple trees can produce over 1000 lbs in a season.

The downside, of course, is that trees don’t bear fruit 3 months after you plant them like many vegetable plants will. Some trees will take a few years or even longer to bear fruit. I remember the frustration I had with this when I wanted apples from a new tree and learned that I may have to wait a while.

Patience seems to be a rare virtue in our society these days, but it is one that we ought to develop. God seems to like taking the long road with a lot of things and as I begin to see the reason behind it, it causes me to say, “huh, God really is smarter than I am.” ?

Becoming A Tree

It’s tough watching the grass sprout up all around you and seeing others bearing fruit when you have been faithfully doing what is right, but we must not be short-sighted. We need to try to look at these things the way God sees them.

Though the tomato plants around us may be popping out some fruit, while we seem to wonder what is taking so long, our day will come.

God is doing a work and creating something in us that will be around long after the grass has come and gone.

“And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.”

Galatians 6:9 (AMP)

Like I mentioned earlier that is an excerpt from the Devotional that I find that I still need to hear years after I wrote it, so I hope it helps you!

If you are interested finding out more about it or getting an audio or kindle version, head over here!


P.S. While the book sales do help me feed my family, we donate 34% of all profits to Compassion International: a great Christian organization changing lives. So if you pickup a copy, know that your dollars are impacting the world!

The Lord Directs Our Steps


Proverbs 16:9 – Is a life verse for me and my husband, Jim.  Combined with Exodus 13:21-22, and learning to follow the Fire/Cloud of God, we choose to SUBMIT our best laid plans to The Master, and follow His lead for us.

READ LINK for scripture details and the correlation to our lives:

Kathleen Wichterman                                                                                                                             Trees of Righteousness Ministries                                                                                                           An Isaiah 61 Outreach                                                                                     

Passive or Active, Performance or His Presence?

I was reviewing my writings in my Facebook NOTES. This one was a good reminder for me TODAY in a new SEASON OF BUSYNESS. I hope you are encouraged.

Guard your heart, and your JOY & PEACE.




“Jesus Hug”

Original post:  January 24, 2012

When I notice days of passivity with Jesus, I have to stop, get quiet, and ask God to fill me up again. Sometimes I tend to spend my time praying for others, which is good, but I forget to ask God for a touch from Him. I mean actively.

I say, “God, what do you want to TELL me today?” Almost always He starts out with “I love you with an everlasting love.” (Which is from Jeremiah 31:3) It took me a while to receive those words. I guess I didn’t understand His love, and I didn’t feel worthy. But when I thank Him, and then wait for more, He gives me revelation; of His Word, his people, and my circumstances. He SHOWS me how He sees me, even in my daily struggles. (This is like Elementary School SHOW & TELL, from God personally shared with me).

Until I learned to receive God’s love, it was hard to love Him back. Well really, it was hard to love myself. And until I understood and received His love for me, and could actually LOVE “me,” it was very hard to fully love others, with the kind of love He talks about. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:28-31)  This often involves forgiving someone 7 x 700 (I added an extra zero, taken from Matthew 18:22).

Otherwise, if we’re not careful, we might be doing good works, but they might be done out of duty and performance, to win others to us, to feel good about ourselves, to be accepted.  It’s much better to “wait” and do something out of God’s presence, in time spent gleaning from Holy Spirit, and knowing we are doing something because He asked it of us.  It avoids burnout when His grace is there.

Blessings to each of you as you fight the good fight, and go forth victorious in your day, with the Spirit of the Lord guiding you!

Kathleen M. Wichterman

Gluten/Grains & Pain Relief

As I’m a little eclectic in my interests, today I thought I’d comment on one of my passions God has really highlighted lately.  Namely, my HEALTH & WELLNESS!  I have been struggling with gas, bloating, stomach pain, fatigue, joint inflammation, and headaches on and off for the past 25 years.  And praying to find some answers and relief.

I first learned about low blood sugar when I told a friend that I always felt dizzy in the morning, right after I ate breakfast.  My friend encouraged me to get a glucose tolerance test, but to ask the doctor to test me longer than the three hour mark.  They did, and at 4 hours my blood sugar plummeted.  So, began the journey of NOT eating sugary foods for breakfast, but rather protein, whole grains, and vegetables or fruit.  This made a difference, but then another problem arose.

My next change in eating/drinking habits began with heart racing, migraine headaches, insomnia, and fibrositic breast disease.  Caffeine consumption was brought into the light as related to these symptoms, so I began to monitor what I drank (coffee, tea, sodas), or what I ate, mainly chocolate.  And of course added more filters water.  Sometimes I still overdo it with caffeine, but now I feel the affects immediately because I have become so sensitive to it.  A little goes a long way for me, and I pay for it if I’m not careful.

I love cheese, sour cream, yogurt, real cream, ice cream, but YES, you guessed it – I have dairy intolerance too.  So basically I can’t have much, unless it’s raw or fermented, which is more cost effective to make myself rather than buy.  And this diagnosis also led me to a Naturopath, Chiropractor, and an Herbalist which began to show me how compromised my gut (intestinal tract) was.  I learned that our G.I. tract actually has a brain, and if we can heal the gut, we heal the whole body.

Then I had a period in the last five years with hip, foot, and heel pain on my right side, and numbness on the same side that was exasperated, but persistent, for years.  At this time I really increased my research into diet, exercise, meditation, stress reduction, sleep, etc.  Gluten is definitely a culprit in muscle and joint pain, as well as magnesium deficiency.  So, as best as I can, I try to avoid gluten filled food, which is often hidden in sauces and a filler in many items.  And I am also working on increasing magnesium in my diet with supplements, Epsom salt bath soaks, as well as spray on topical aids.

I think I’m finally starting to pull all the pieces together to balance my spirit, soul, and body wellness.  Do I struggle, binge, and act like a slug sometimes?  YES!  Will I quit and give into medical diagnosis labels, exist rather than live, and die before my time.  NO WAY!

My God created the human body to heal itself, and IF we as His vessels help ourselves by learning what our triune self needs, we are co-partnering with The Creator to keep our WHOLE being healthy, and honoring Him in with the life and gifts He gave us, to be around a while and share that fruit with others.  Bible Scripture on Healing the Body

Below is a link to Lewis Howes School of Greatness by Integrity Network.  There is a FREE iTunes audio teaching (and many others) about gluten, grains, and pain.  Some things I knew, but NOW I’m really motivated to change my diet and relieve the chronic inflammation I struggle with.  I hope this resource helps you too.

Listen to this FREE iTunes audio teaching by Dr. Peter Osborne and The Truth About Gluten and Your Health to learn secrets for PAIN RELIEF.


Written by Kathleen Wichterman –


Crowdrise DONATION Link

Help Kathleen Wichterman raise awareness of ABUSE, TRAUMA, and SEX-TRAFFICKING . Donate funds to assist in publishing her autobiographical book, “Darkness and Light – The Little Girl in Pink” (A Journey from Fear to Faith) – includes beautiful illustrations dealing with the emotions felt by childhood sexual abuse, a few self-published books still available  at  MORE DETAILS AT LINK ABOVE, or follow on FACEBOOK under book title.




I am sooo thankful for my mentor Kathleen “Mama Kath” who is the author of this book. Back when I got saved in 2008, no one else in the church was comfortable going in depth with me in how to heal from my sexual abuse trauma in a christ centered way. Kathleen, the author of this book, was able to. She continued to guide me to Jesus, who walked with me from Darkness into Light. I truly could not have reached the levels of healing I have reached today if it was not for this women allowing God to move through her. Jesus dramatically healed me in so many ways. A healing that makes me so joyful, I want to share Jesus with a million people. This book, a story which beautifully represents the deepest love known, comes from the dark place of abuse.  WE CAN OVERCOME!! The fact that this women, who has mentored me through the high’s and lows, and continues to turn me back to Jesus, is making a STUDY GUIDE is so exciting to me!!! She has always been savy with the latest and best study guides, so I know she is among experts. It is so rare to find someone with her heart. Her anointing is desperately needed in the church and every where.

I teach Hip Hop with young girls and women in inner city public schools. They so desperately need to hear this message. I can’t wait to use and apply her study guide to my groups of young women (and men). Please help support Mama Kath’s book publishing with me! I came from a place of being so broken; I seemed hopelessly stuck in bitterness when dealing with men. I am now so thankful that I am able to love and forgive men on a new level, but also not allow abusiveness and manipulation to oppress me. Women hold the keys to their own happiness, found in Jesus. With support like Mama Kath’s, we can learn to focus on the men who are willing to learn what the key is to take care of you in Christ, and to be on guard concerning men who try to conquer women. I learned to forgive and pray for manipulators, cuz they dont know the trauma it can cause. I learned how to initiate healthy, godly conversations encouraging men to protect women’s purity, not try to trick us out of it. (Thanks to the brothers! We believe in you. We love you!)

Thank you Kathleen, Mama Purity Princess Warrior, for making healing possible for so many through the “Darkness and Light – The Little Girl In Pink” book and Study Guide, and for completing it! Thanks to her I am free to be a female who is rooted in my true calling of my hero and best Friend – Jesus Christ. (4 months ago)


Thank YOU for making a difference!  Every little bit helps.

Sincerely for Souls,

Kathleen Wichterman



Stop Sexual Abuse


Source: Book



“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”  (James 1:12 NIV)

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”       (Proverbs 16:9 NKJV)


Well, that’s what I’ve been doing lately.  Persevering!  Yep, waiting and hoping, praying and believing for answers to my prayers.  And “yes,” I have faith that God is up to something good.  I’M READY TO GO HOME!

You see, I’ve been living in Missouri for the past five years.  I grew up in Minnesota, and love the change of seasons there, but Missouri is mainly humid, which has been hard to get used to.   I also prefer the pine trees, lakes, and streams of Minnesota, but Missouri’s trees are very different, and very few natural lakes.  However, when God prompts you to get out of your comfort zone, you obey Him if you love Him; which I do!

We have had the privledge of working with transitional young adults in the college community of IHOPU (International House of Prayer); working, ministering, and living with them at our rental houses in Kansas City.  Although, it’s been grueling at times to work 24/7 on house remodel projects, gutting out moldy 2 x 4s, scraping wallpaper and, sheet rocking, painting, landscaping and more.

My husband, Jim, and I also interned for a year at a working farm learning heirloom gardening, building staff housing, training as facilitators for healing ministry, and working with trauma and sex trafficking victims.  All these things will be useful for our return to Minnesota.

We are now in the midst of selling our rentals and beginning a new chapter of our life together.  Our dream is to minister to the Ojibwa in the northern part of Minnesota.  We visited the area this past spring and found a wonderful church, Harvest Church of God, that has been working in the Native community for the past ten years.  It feels like a family to us already, and we look forward to ministering there with them.

I just have to continue to persevere a bit more, trusting God’s timing in ALL areas.  I love the quote in the photo above, and the scriptures that compliment it.  So often these sentiments have kept me going through difficult situations.

I pray you persevere to the blessings your heavenly Father has for your future.