Know Your A, B, C’s – Authority, Bind and Loose, Consecrate

HOW TO WIN A SPIRITUAL WAR (My spin on lessons learned from Rhonda Calhoun, Harvest Home, and my time as an intern at Our Father’s Farm.)

1) Consecrate your imagination, your will, and your emotions to be aligned with your heavenly Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. 

 2) Take authority, in the name of Yeshua (Jesus), against the things you’re struggling with, knowing God has already conquered them at the cross for you, THROUGH Jesus. 

3) Invite God’s warring and ministering angels to be with you.

4) Bind yourself to the truths of
God (and recite them), while you …

5) Loose yourself from the lies of the enemy that are the opposites of these truths (list them). 

6) BLESS YOUR SPIRIT with biblical truths daily, telling your spirit to wake up and follow the leading of Holy Spirit, and commanding your soul (mind, will, and emotions), and your body to get in step BEHIND the leading of your spirit with Holy Spirit. (Proverbs 20:27) 

It’s all out WARFARE, but He who is in you is GREATER than he who is in the world.

However, you must activate your faith by using the spiritual muscles and weapons (tools) God has given you. 

REMEMBER the power and attributes of God’s armor on you in Ephesians 6:11, declare scriptures out loud until they become a reality, and praise God and thank Him, calling on His name. 

Fight the good fight, mighty warrior, which wins a crown for eternity!

Sincerely for Souls,

Kathleen M. Wichterman

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